A few handy links.....

Dogs and Birds - Teaching music to children
Using animal names to represent musical notes, "Dogs and Birds" is a highly successful way to teach the piano to very young children.

YouTube link to Pupil's Performances
Follow this link to hear my pupils and myself playing a variety of music - pre graded to diploma standard

The Wikipedia Piano Page
Everything you need to know about the piano.

Down's Syndrome Association
I support and teach adults and children with Down's Syndrome. If you know anyone with Down's Syndrome then this is a fabulous website full of useful information.

OASIS Mental Health Support (formerly Solihull Mind)
I support OASIS who offer advice and help on everything to do with mental health issues and mental illness.

I have a lot of experience working with adults and children who are neurodiverse.

Piano4Solihull Facebook Page
This is my page where I upload recordings of pupils, news and links to useful piano related sites.

Solihull Mindfulness Facebook Page
This is my page for information about mental health, hypnotherapy and to support you with your mental well-being.

Ceinwen Bran Music Facebook Page
You will find uploads and links to my piano compositions here.